
Is the freight recession over? 这是物流行业经常被问到的一个问题,也是一个很难回答的问题. The downturn, which started in 2022 and continues deep into 2024, has wreaked havoc in the freight shipping industry, 导致许多运输公司关门,让托运人寻找有效运输产品的解决方案.

Many leading industry insiders and news sources like FreightWaves, 已经得出结论,我们已经触底了,这意味着没有预期情况会变得更糟. In fact, 货运量略有上升,该行业似乎正缓慢地朝着积极的方向发展.

Freight Rates Still Low As We Look To 2025

重要的是要记住,COVID创造了一个繁荣 freight shipping 因为人们大多呆在家里,订购的产品从未像现在这样多. Capitalizing on this trend, 许多新运营商进入市场,现在发现自己没有产品可卖,因为采购趋势回到了新冠疫情前的水平. So, 虽然现在的澳门威尼斯人直营网站可能更低,更有利于托运人, 企业确实需要明白,较低的费率有时会给一些运营商带来不理想的服务水平.

It's not all bad news, however. 尽管我们的货运量甚至还没有接近冠状病毒水平, 我们正在跟上步伐,甚至可能略高于新冠疫情之前的几年,许多人认为2025年是货运业获得自身权利的一年.

Fraud Has Increased During the Freight Recession

虽然我们可能不知道货运衰退何时会结束, 自经济低迷以来,仍有一些问题出现,托运人需要了解. In particular, companies have seen an increase in fraud. 自从经济衰退开始以来,航运业就经常出现在新闻和讨论中, shipping swindlers have targeted it with criminal behavior.

A couple of examples include:

  • Carriers posing as legit operations and stealing freight.
  • Carriers sending invoices for shipments that never existed.
  • Individuals doctoring documents to appear as another company.
  • 网络钓鱼诈骗,罪犯使用与其他公司几乎相同的电子邮件地址.
  • 骗子冒充公司的实际雇员进行欺诈业务.
  • 承运人预定货物,就好像他们的公司会转移货物一样, 然后再把它转给另一个运营商,他们从来不付钱.

这已成为一个令人担忧的问题,保险公司已开始提高保费. 然而,你可以做一些事情来保护自己,包括:

  • Purchase insurance in case fraudulent activity does occur.
  • 对来接货的承运人和司机要有明确的身份证明.
  • 确保电子邮件地址和电话号码与你做生意的人完全一致.

Working with a third-party logistics (3PL) provider 能帮助您制定策略,保持盈利,并保持您的货物在路上安全可靠.

What factors indicate the freight recession is over?

让我们拭目以待,2024-25年会给物流业带来什么, 有一些指标可以告诉我们货运业的衰退何时会有所缓解. 货运衰退的结束通常标志着需求的持续复苏, stabilization of prices, 货运公司财务状况的改善. Let's take a look at the main indicators:

Economic indicators

  • GDP growth: 国内生产总值(GDP)的持续增长表明经济扩张, 这通常会导致制造业和零售业活动的增加, thereby boosting freight shipping demand.
  • Consumer spending: 消费者支出的复苏可能表明货运衰退正在缓解, 因为需要运输更多的货物来满足消费者的需求.
  • Business investment: 企业对资本货物投资的增加表明对经济状况有信心, which can lead to more freight shipments.
  • Trade volumes: 进出口数量的复苏也可能标志着货运衰退的结束, reflecting improved global trade conditions.

Industry-specific indicators

  • Freight rates: 运价的稳定或上涨可能预示着经济的复苏, as it suggests that demand is picking up, allowing carriers to charge more for their services.
  • Freight volume: An increase in freight volumes, as reported by transportation companies and ports, is a direct indicator of industry recovery.
  • Capacity utilization: 提高可用运输能力(卡车)的利用率, 船舶和火车)表明需求增加,可能表明该行业正在走出衰退.
  • Financial health of freight companies: 主要货运公司的财务业绩有所改善, including revenue growth and profitability, suggests the market is moving in a positive direction.

Global factors that impact freight recessions

  • Trade agreements: 新的或修订的贸易协定可以增加贸易量,从而增加货运需求.
  • Geopolitical stability: 地缘政治关系的改善可以带来更顺畅的贸易流动和更高的货运量.
  • Global economic trends: 主要贸易伙伴的经济健康状况也影响到货运业. Recovery in key markets like the United States, China, and Europe is crucial for global freight demand.

Freight Recession Challenges and Opportunities

而货运业衰退的结束可能预示着增长的回归, 企业必须应对燃油价格波动等挑战, regulatory changes, and the need for skilled labor. However, there are also opportunities in expanding into new markets, 创新服务产品,增强供应链弹性.


澳门威尼斯人直营网站, 它是WWEX集团旗下的品牌,与环球快递和环球运输并列, 在物流行业拥有超过30年的成功经验,并帮助成千上万的各种规模的托运人高效地移动产品. 这三个品牌组成了一个最大的和最多样化的第三方物流行业, providing shippers with top solutions — including UPS Parcel services, LTL freight service and FTL freight shipping — that help them succeed.

了解澳门威尼斯人直营网站如何帮助您改变货运方式,并在持续的货运衰退中导航. If you are ready to talk to an expert, reach out for a free consultation today!

Freight Recession Shipping Tips + Myths Debunked

货运业的衰退对各地的托运人都产生了重大影响. Get the latest and protect your business.

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